By: Ahmed Fathi
New York: Former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris keep the race almost equal wit
h just three weeks left until the November 5, 2024 U.S. presidential contest. With polls swinging for both candidates as expected following the Democratic convention in Chicago, this election has been absolutely thin. Still, these movements fall within the margin of error, thus it is almost impossible to name a leader. Both contenders are in a statistical deadlock, thus this close contest probably will last until all the votes are counted.
One remarkable feature of this election is the critical relevance of voter mobilization. The narrow margins of the race force both campaigns to concentrate especially on their "get-out-the- Vote" (GOTV) campaigns in these last weeks. With the election down to minute changes in turnout, whichever campaign can most energize its base and win over undecided voters may very well ensure success.
Harris's campaign is particularly stressing energizing vital Democratic constituencies: women, people of color, and young voters. These groups will determine her climb to the vice presidency in 2020; hence, their turnout will be vital in states deemed as battlefields. Trump's staff is also emphasizing organizing rural and working-class voters, who were crucial for his 2016 victory at the same time. Along with trying to attract independent and swing voters, his campaign is also making great effort to minimize any disappointment among his 2020 supporters.
Though there is noise around daily poll movements, what is abundantly evident is that both campaigns understand they are in for a hard fight right until the very end. Voters in important swing states will be more potent than ever with such a small margin separating Harris from Trump. Personal outreach, voter contacts, and persuasion of the undecided will probably decide the next president of the United States in the last days of the campaign. The ultimate test for every campaign as the clock runs down will be how successfully they can have their voters show up at the polls on Election Day.