By: Ahmed Fathi

During an official visit to South Korea from 15 to 23 February, the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the DPRK will meet with government officials, members of the National Assembly, and North Korean refugees, among other people according to a statement from the OHCHR
The DPRK hasn't let the UN expert into the country, even though they've asked for it many times.
In March 2016, the Human Rights Council appointed him a Special Rapporteur. This will be his seventh trip to the Republic of Korea since then. He last went to Seoul in June 2019. On his trip, he will also meet with people from civil society, people who have been harmed, and people from the diplomatic community.
The Special Rapporteur will hold a press conference on Wednesday, 23 February, at the Korea Press Center in Seoul, Access to the press conference is strictly limited to journalists.
This will be his last report as a mandate holder will be in March 2022. His term will end in August 2022.