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Paetongtarn Shinawatra: Thailand's Youngest PM, A New Chapter in a Storied Political Dynasty

Thaksin’s daughter Paetongtarn Shinawatra is elected Thailand’s prime minister
Thaksin’s daughter Paetongtarn Shinawatra is elected Thailand’s prime minister

By: ATN News

Bangkok: In a historic and closely watched parliamentary session, Paetongtarn Shinawatra, daughter of former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, was elected as Thailand’s prime minister on Friday. Her election marks the continuation of the Shinawatra family's significant influence on Thai politics, which has been both celebrated and contested over the years.

Paetongtarn, 37, becomes the third member of her family to hold the nation’s highest office, following in the footsteps of her father Thaksin, who was ousted in a 2006 military coup, and her aunt Yingluck Shinawatra, who also served as prime minister before being removed from office in 2014 and subsequently going into exile.

The Shinawatra legacy has been one of deep political division in Thailand. Thaksin’s populist policies and strong support among rural and working-class voters won him significant loyalty, but also fierce opposition from the military and conservative elites. His removal from power led to years of political instability, protests, and military intervention. Despite this, the Shinawatra name has remained a powerful force in Thai politics.

Paetongtarn’s rise to the premiership is widely seen as a result of a political compromise orchestrated by her father. After years of tension, it appears that a deal was struck with conservative factions to allow the Pheu Thai party, which she leads, to take power. This maneuver sidelined the more progressive party that had won the most votes in the previous election but faced obstacles in forming a government.

In the parliamentary vote, Paetongtarn was the sole nominee for prime minister. She secured 319 votes in favor, with 145 against and 27 abstentions. Her confirmation by Parliament sets the stage for her to officially assume office, pending royal assent—a formality in Thailand’s political process.

Paetongtarn’s election also makes her Thailand’s second female prime minister, following her aunt Yingluck, and the country’s youngest leader in modern history. Her ascent to power is seen by many as both a continuation of her family’s legacy and a potential turning point in Thailand’s political landscape.

Addressing reporters after the vote, Paetongtarn expressed a mix of humility and determination. “I am honored and happy,” she said, visibly moved. “I hope to build confidence among the people, to create opportunities, and to improve the quality of life for all Thais. I will do my utmost to move the country forward.”

As Thailand prepares for Paetongtarn’s official appointment, the nation watches closely to see how she will navigate the complex political terrain, balancing the expectations of her supporters with the challenges posed by her opponents. Her leadership will undoubtedly shape the future of Thailand, as the country continues to grapple with its past while looking towards a more stable and prosperous future.


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