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France Aligns with Morocco on Western Sahara Autonomy

By: ATN News

New York: France has officially backed Morocco's plan for autonomy in the Western Sahara region, signaling a significant shift in its diplomatic position. In a public letter to King Mohammed VI, French President Emmanuel Macron described Morocco's proposal as "the only basis for achieving a just, lasting, and negotiated political solution," aligning with United Nations Security Council resolutions.

This marks a departure from France's previous stance, which acknowledged Morocco's 2007 autonomy plan as a "serious and credible" option among others. Macron's statement, released on the 25th anniversary of King Mohammed VI's ascension to the throne, emphasizes France's support for Moroccan sovereignty over the disputed territory.

Western Sahara, a former Spanish colony, has been a contentious region since Morocco's annexation in 1975, leading to a prolonged conflict with the Polisario Front, which represents the Indigenous Sahrawi people. Although a United Nations-brokered ceasefire was established in 1991, tensions resurfaced in 2020.

Morocco welcomed France's new position, viewing it as an affirmation of support for its sovereignty. This move follows similar endorsements from countries like Spain and the United States, the latter of which recognized Moroccan claims in 2020 in exchange for Morocco normalizing relations with Israel.

However, France's decision has drawn sharp criticism from Algeria and the Polisario Front. The Algerian Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemned the shift, stating it complicates the search for a peaceful resolution and strengthens the status quo. Sidi Omar, Polisario's representative at the United Nations, accused France of taking a "hostile and escalatory position."

France's diplomatic relations with both Morocco and Algeria have been complex. Tensions with Morocco increased following allegations of French officials being targeted by Pegasus spyware, while efforts to reconcile with Algeria, a former French colony, have been fraught with challenges.

The French government's support for Morocco's autonomy plan comes at a politically sensitive time for President Macron, whose administration is currently operating in a caretaker capacity. Despite these challenges, Macron appears committed to reinforcing France's foreign policy stance, even as the domestic political landscape remains uncertain.


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