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Can Global Cooperation in AI Governance Shape a Sustainable Future for All?

UN Sec-Gen Guterres calls for global cooperation in AI governance to bridge divides, ensure equity, and shape a sustainable future for all.
UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres calls for global cooperation in AI governance to bridge divides.

By: ATN News:

Beijing: At a workshop on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and capacity building, organized by the Government of China, United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres addressed a gathering of global leaders and experts. His words carried the weight of the moment, emphasizing the rapid and profound transformation AI is bringing to our world—changes that humanity is only beginning to grasp.

Guterres began by acknowledging the extraordinary potential AI holds, not just as a tool of technological advancement, but as a powerful force that could help achieve nearly 80% of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In his vision, AI is more than just innovation; it is a beacon of hope for a more equitable and sustainable future. However, this hope is tempered by a stark reality: the benefits of AI are not being shared equally.

The Secretary-General highlighted a troubling imbalance. Currently, AI capacities are concentrated in a handful of powerful companies and even fewer nations. This concentration of power leaves many countries, particularly those in the developing world, at a significant disadvantage. Guterres was clear in his message: to truly harness AI’s potential, there must be international cooperation and solidarity. The global community must act swiftly to bridge the AI gap that threatens to widen existing inequalities.

But the risks posed by AI extend beyond the technological divide. Guterres warned of the potential dangers if AI is not properly managed. Without adequate safeguards, AI could exacerbate inequalities and deepen digital divides, disproportionately affecting the most vulnerable. The Secretary-General called for the world to seize this historic opportunity to lay the foundations for inclusive AI governance—governance that serves the interests of all humanity.

In his address, Guterres did not just dwell on the challenges; he offered a vision for a collaborative future. He spoke of the need to develop shared knowledge and digital public goods through networks that pool expertise and AI training data, making them accessible to all. He imagined a world where interconnected AI centers across different countries and continents could accelerate progress, promote data diversity, and foster cooperation rather than competition.

Looking ahead, Guterres highlighted critical global initiatives, including the upcoming adoption of the Global Digital Compact at the United Nations Summit of the Future in New York. He expressed optimism that this Compact would include new proposals on AI governance and capacity building. He also announced that his High-level Advisory Body on AI would soon issue a report with key recommendations, including the creation of an AI Capacity Development Network to support developing countries and the establishment of a Global Fund on AI for the SDGs.

Reflecting on the role of the United Nations, Guterres underscored the organization’s unique position to promote digital cooperation and support the global exchange of AI models and talent. He pointed to recent decisions by the UN General Assembly, including resolutions led by China and the United States, which focus on enhancing international cooperation on AI and fostering safe, trustworthy, and inclusive AI systems.

As he concluded his remarks, Guterres called on all stakeholders to engage in partnerships that extend beyond the confines of the workshop. He urged them to make their voices heard at the upcoming Summit of the Future, where the future of AI governance will be shaped. His message was clear: together, the global community must develop innovative and inclusive tools for AI governance and cooperation to build a more sustainable and equitable future for all.

With these words, Guterres set the stage for what could be a defining moment in the global approach to AI—a moment where collaboration, equity, and foresight are paramount in shaping a future that benefits all of humanity.


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